Monday, February 12, 2007


Part of the regular apostolate of Saint Joseph's Parish is taking care of the spiritual needs of the children. There is a regular Mass for Children every Saturday at 4:30 pm.

Catechists go to our public schools to teach the young the basic catechism of the faith. But because of the lack of full-time catechists, volunteer-catechists can only cater to the needs of those pupils being prepared for First Holy Communion.

The pictures below were taken in their Christmas Party in December 2005. Children had parlor games, received toys and gifts, and had lunch together.

Sr. Mary Maata, FdCC, took care of the children until she left for Tagaytay in 2006. Some High School girls also help in forming these children - they include Floricar, Marjoan, Peisan, Bernadette and Jhonalyn, all students of Saint Joseph's School.

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